Friday, July 11, 2008

Speech at Secretary’s 2008 Awards Ceremony - Philadelphia

Good morning, Madam Secretary, Distinguished guests, Regional Executive Committee, Award Honorees and the best damm federal workers in the country, the Department of Labor’s Philadelphia Region’s employees.

We are gathered once again to honor those employees, who have achieved and excelled in the past year, and I am here, as usual, to celebrate those of you who do the daily work of the Department of Labor. The Department of Labor works because of the work of the employees of the Department of Labor!

Secretary Chao it is so fitting that you came here in the last year of your tenure, saving the best for last. I am sure that when you leave here today you will take with you a much better understanding of what great employees you have had the honor to lead for the past 8 years.

There are far fewer of us then when you took over the reins of the Department but the great service has continued. Those fewer employees reached deep down in their souls and did what was necessary each day to accomplish the mission. The Department of Labor was the first federal agency to achieve Green on each and every one of the President’s Initiatives and maintain the high quality of service to the mission of promoting the welfare of the American workers. The Department of Labor works because of the work of the employees of the Department of Labor!

That dedication to the mission does not go unnoticed; I bring you greetings from the leadership of the AFL-CIO who asked me to convey their thanks and praise for the fine service to the American worker. You promoted the welfare of the workers; providing safeguards for their pay and pensions’, protected their safety and health and provided training to both the younger workers starting out as well as the older worker displaced by outsourcing. The Department of Labor works because of the work of the employees of the Department of Labor!

My fellow employees, I remind you that though downsized, outsourced and overworked you achieved every initiative, made every goal and exceeded the highest level of service to our mission.

So never let those dour devotees of dread; darkness; despair and doom get you down. You were downsized, demoralized and disrespected, but you responded by being eager, enthusiastic, efficient and have exceeded.

You were outsourced; obstructed; offended and overworked, but you prepared; perspired; prospered and prevailed. You were beset; bedeviled; belittled and betrayed but you reacted with calmness; clarity; candor; character and class.

No matter the Administration, the Policy or the Politics you have always fulfilled the Mission and promoted the welfare of the American worker. The Department of Labor works because of the work of the employees of the Department of Labor!

As today as we celebrate the excellent work of the Honorees, we also celebrate all of your work. When you leave the hall today, walk a little taller, hold your head a little higher because of you the Department of Labor works.

The motto of the National Council of Field Labor Locals is the mantra for the Department of Labor, “Where America Works We’re Working for You!”

The American Worker is the best in the world and you are the best of the American Worker.

Thank God for America! Thank God for the American Worker and God Bless you for the work you do for the American Worker and America.

Thank you!

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