Saturday, November 20, 2004

Correspondence - Companies Sue Union Retirees to Cut Promised Health Benefits

Room 229, Customs House
2nd and Chestnut Streets
Philadelphia, PA. 19106
215 597 5183
215 597 5172

November 19, 20004

Ann L. Combs
Assistant Secretary
Room S 2524
200 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20210

Dear Madam Secretary:

I have read a very disturbing article in the Wall Street Journal from November 10, 2004 entitled "Companies Sue Union Retirees to Cut Promised Health Benefits." This on its face is distressing but the quote from an unnamed Department of Labor spokesperson is absolutely ludicrous.

This quote was in reference to whether the retires can seek help from the Department and I assume it means EBSA. The quote is contained in this paragraph. "The retirees, by contrast, find themselves in a bind-unsure of their recourse and facing, as they age, the court system’s typical long waits for legal resolution. The U. S. Department of Labor is of little help. Retired workers 'aren't our constituents anymore', says a spokeswoman for the department."

Is this now the policy of the Department of Labor? If it is, what is the function of EBSA if not to monitor the Health and retirement funds of American workers? I find the quote to be outrageous!

I am also a vice president of the Pennsylvania State AFL-CIO and while I do not speak on behalf of the Department, I do find myself having to respond on behalf of my membership to the occasional complaint or questions asked by other unions in the state.

I am requesting that you repudiate the statement and provide clarification as to the function of EBSA in current times. This statement in the context of this article does a disservice to the hard working men and women of our agency and places a stain on the fine work of this agency for decades past.

If you have any questions, please contact me at the above address. I am attaching a copy of the article for your files.


Jim Weyrauch
Executive Vice President